Firmware-72 Command-060

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The OUTPUT INIT command set the USB-microDig’s actuator outputs to their power-up or reset status. Non-volatile memory remains unchanged. The OUTPUT INIT command does not change any stand-alone mode settings stored in non-volatile memory but reloads them in volatile memory for operational use. The OUTPUT INIT command is always executed following a power-up. Upon completion of the OUTPUT INIT command the same message is sent out by the USB-microDig.

There is no [BODY] associated with this command.


240, 125, 0 {DEV}, 60 {OUTPUT INIT}, 247 (F0h, 7Dh, 00h, 3Ch, F7h)

Initial values

Actuator activation status: retrieved from non-volatile memory (see SET OUTPUT INIT command)
Actuator PWM status: retrieved from non-volatile memory (see SET OUTPUT INIT command)
Actuator pulse interval: retrieved from non-volatile memory (see SET OUTPUT PULSE command)
Actuator pulse width range: retrieved from non-volatile memory (see SET OUTPUT PULSE command)