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Hi [firstname],
We're pleased to announce iCube for Pd v1.0. The Pd version of the iCube object is identical in functionality to iCube for Max v3.1. Pure data, abbreviated as Pd, is a graphical programming environment like Max, but it is open source and free, and runs on MacOS, Windows as well as Linux.
We were not so pleased when we recently discovered some issues with missing DLLs on Windows. This concerned the BlueMIDI app and the 64-bit version of our Max externals (iCube & oCube, iCalibrate, iFilter) and consequently all our applications built with these externals. We've posted new release packages (see our download page) that resolve these DLL issues.
Finally, if you were planning to place a new order, now is a good time because we're offering you a discount of 10% on the single-unit price of all items in your order not on special. Shipping is excluded from this discount but ... if the order sub-total (i.e. excluding shipping) is at least $200 after all discounts have been applied, you get free TNT Express shipping ! Both offers expire on 31 December 2014. To get the discount and (if applicable) free shipping, add a comment to your order or quote with this text. And feel free to pass this deal on to others you know might be interested in I-CubeX.
If you have questions, feedback, suggestions or requests just email back ! Tired of email ? Follow us on our LinkedIn group,
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Google+ page.
Best regards,
The I-CubeX Team