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Events: SMC 2015

What is I-CubeX ?

The I-CubeX line of products aims to facilitate the design and implementation of environments and objects that respond to human actions and/or environmental parameters. The response can be in the form of sound, music, video, graphics, animation, robotic movement, etc. (see picture at bottom).

I-CubeX comprises a variety of sensors to capture human actions such as walking, reaching, touching etc. as well as environmental parameters such as illumination, temperature, humidity etc.. and includes software to make the sensor signals available to other equipment such as a computer or a musical instrument. To communicate with such equipment the MIDI data format is used, transmitted using a digitizer, which are made available with a MIDI cable (operating at the standard MIDI data rate of 31.25 kbps), USB cable (operating 4x faster at 125 kbps) or Bluetooth wireless (also operating at 125 kbps, and see diagram below).

More info

  • I-CubeX basics and demos
  • I-CubeX software and other products to use with I-CubeX
  • Checkout Cube Culture for some inspiration for your project !

  • Thanks for your interest !

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